
An exclusive access file is a file that will not be public to visitors to the profile of the entity that publishes it, only to those to whom the URL is sent.

This option can only be selected for minor contracts, since for contracts based on a framework agreement, those specific to a dynamic system and those negotiated without advertising, exclusive access is already marked automatically.

The procedure for publishing an exclusive file is as follows:

  • When registering the file, mark it as exclusive access to the "New tender space" form
  • Edit the data of the tender announcement phase.
  • Go to the "Actions" button and select Publish (activate company access).
  • Once the announcement is published, it will not be made public on the Portal.
  • Once the announcement is published and when the exact time of publication has arrived, by accessing the button "Information file" the option "Copy link exclusive access" is displayed. This option copies the special exclusive access address generated by the ad to the clipboard. Ad Managers will communicate this address to such recipients as they deem appropriate and using the medium of their choice (e.g. email).

It should be noted that if everything is correct, this button appears as an option within the "file information" button. When this option does not appear, it can be for several reasons. Therefore, it is necessary  check the following:

  • That the file is registered as "Exclusive access file" (verify this by accessing "Basic data" in the bidding space.)