The Public Procurement Services Platform verifies that the documents with the PDF extension that are published do not contain any digital signature to prevent the publication of information liable to violate the regulations on the protection of personal data. If a document to be published contains a digital signature, the Platform generates and publishes a copy of the document without the signature, in order to avoid displaying the signer's data on the Platform.  This new file is the one that is saved in the management tool and is the one that is certified with the publication of the file.

The process does not, however, remove other sensitive information that may be included in the document's content. It is necessary to take into account, therefore, to review this content in the face of the impossibility on the part of contracting body users in PSCP, of unpublishing a document of the phase, once it is visible through the contractor's profile.

This automatic process also does not delete other information that is reported in the document by third-party systems, such as the Secure Verification Code (CSV), so it will be necessary to take into account the previous deletion of this, if through the code that incorporates the signed original can be accessed.