
When registering the PSCP of a local entity, the AOC Consortium only registers the administrators of the body. The rest of the users must be registered by the same organ administrator.

To be able to edit and publish bidding spaces, the users who need to do so must be registered with the editor profile (can create the ads and send them to be validated) or validator (can publish them to more than being able to do the same tasks as the editor).

To register a new user or assign new profiles to existing admin users, the organ admin needs to go to EACAT > Applications > PSCP.

Once identified with the role of organ administrator, it is necessary to access the General data option and click on User management in order to access the tool that allows you to add or modify PSCP user data:


The screen after accessing this tool displays a user finder and a list of those active in your contracting authority.


Edit data of an existing user person:

To edit existing user data or roles, click on the icon shown to the right of the user data, in the table:


The data of the user person and their associated roles will be displayed.


At this point you can modify or delete the data of the existing roles through the buttons located to the right of each of them:


Once the changes have been made, click on Save role:


We can also add a new role to the user persona from the Add role button. In relation to this functionality, remember that new users of PSCP will need to add, if necessary, the access role to the electronic bidding tools in a different way. It will be necessary to verify that, in this case, both the roles of PSCP and eLicita have been registered :


Register a new user person:

If a new user must be registered, press the "New user" option at the end of the initial screen of the users menu:


A new screen will appear where the NIF of the person to be registered must be reported first.


If it does not exist in the tool to any contracting body, the rest of the data can be reported and the roles corresponding to the tools to which you must have access can be added (in the case that they are both PSCP and eLicita, you must add the roles for the two tools separately.

If the person is already registered with a recruitment body, the tool informs us about this and we can add a new email as well as the roles corresponding to our body.
